Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins

Today I tried a new recipe off Laura's website called Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins. I followed her recipe leaving out the chocolate chips and adding chocolate frosting. These were healthy muffins and indeed healthier tasting. I didn't eat with the frosting but without the chocolate chips, I figured Nelson would enjoy them more with frosting. The frosting lacks nutrition 100%. But I found them tasty served plain with tea. They resemble brownie texture and flavor. Next time I will try chips in them. Go to Laura's Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins to see the full recipe and suggestions. Below are steps in pictures, especially for Lena. J Whole Wheat Apple Crumb Muffins recipe coming soon.

Here are the ingredients laid out.

And the dry ingredients mixed.

This is the batter once all is mixed. It is thick and more brownie like than regular muffin batter.

At last, a delicious ending.

Successful Meal Planning

In order to journey simple, I need to meal plan. And I don't necessarily mean making fondue and fancy meals. I desire fairly fast, very frugal, and simply delicious. I desire to make a plan and then work the plan. I want to plan ahead so I have what I need to make it happen. If I already know what I will do (the plan), then when that day comes not much thinking is required. I don't have to wonder if I have the ingredients, I already shopped for it! This is important for me since I am working right now and my hours are unpredictable. I have been trying to do meals that I successfully maintained when I was staying home. Well they have been a royal flop since I started working during the dinner hour. My work situation changed and therefore, meals must change too.

I am posting this for organizational purposes, because I love to organize and plan. But of all the organized ways I have, this is one area that's gotten tangled up pretty good. I meal plan but the problem is too many meal options and choosing meals that don't mesh with our lifestyle. I have fought to no end to maintain the meals I have always done but without fail, I end up failing to fit it in and then running to McDonald's and feeling completely disgusting afterwards.

So here are a couple tips to simplify meal planning:

1. Acknowledge the season you're in. If it's busy, say so. Be honest and accept that canning your own vegtables might not fly during this season and save it for another. (And know, you can still be frugal and healthy.) It is not worth the stress and negative energy you'll bring to your home, trying for something that doesn't fit.

2. Know your options. Go through and find the frugal and simple meals that your family likes and still fits your season. Keep these seperate from your surplus of books and recipe cards. Keeping your options for this season in their own reference book, card file, computer file, what have you, will simplify selecting meals when you plan.

3. Embrace where you are in life. In other words, bloom where you are planted. Though I would love to make my own bread and do all of the time consuming and rewarding activities there are in homemaking, I simply can't do that right now. So where are my bread recipes? They are PUT AWAY for another time. I am choosing to embrace and enjoy the lifestyle now. Finding other ways to be frugal and healthy. It is so important to be content and thankful. Be creative with the options you have now.

So my next post will be some simple meals compiled that I have found to fit this season in our life. It is a busy season, so it's got to be fast. It's a boating season, it's got to be simple. And it's a school season, so it's got to be frugal. Fast, simple, and frugal meal suggestions to come.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Menu Plan for the week

This is the Menu Plan for the week on the boat. Still trying to simplify our meals since I work in a smaller space. We have been busy and our schedule has been very inconsistent. So because of this, I haven't followed through with my meals as well lately. Dinner has been alot of grilled cheese or eggs at 9pm. Not ideal. Or desired. I love meal planning and more than that. I like to make a plan and then work that plan. So I am planning to cook ahead on my days off this week, so that we can eat a lasagna at 8pm instead of a frozen pizza. Once I get off track for a week, I remember the great rewards in menu planning!

Sandwiches: PBJ and Ham with cheese
Chili and Potatoes

Leftovers: Chili and Potatoes
Tacos and Rice

Leftovers: Tacos and Rice
Folks house

Sandwiches: PBJ and Egg Salad
Leftovers: Chili and Rice

Potatoes and Veggies

Leftovers: Potatoes and Veggies
Lifegroup: Superbowl snacks
(By the way, the picture of the little bird is completely unrelated to meal planning. He sits on the fence in our lot and reminds me of how well God knows us. And he is just so cute. I'll always love birds. Thank you to my Aunt Cindy. Bird watching is still sweet to me. I just watch pelicans more often than chickadees.)

Ancient Words (Worship Video w/ Lyrics) HD

I heard this song Sunday for the first time (that I remember). Lesley and I instantly thought that Dad would like to know this song. It's only a few weeks away that Mom and Dad will be coming to visit. I hope that they'll get to know the sound through this video and we can sing this as a family. I am looking forward to worship and prayer together as a family. I hope you are encouraged by the message.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Oh how I wish I could post lyrics to songs on this blog! I don't wish to sell, take credit, or any other awful motive there could be. I only wish to encourage and inspire with what has encouraged me. Songs are one of my favorite things, singing one of the most enriching experiences, lyrics one of my best encouragers. And I can only share snipets and hope you know what I am talking about! This past Sunday the church came together and sang "It Is Well With My Soul." An old favorite, known by heart. But there are so many songs, you don't think to sing every one every day. This week, this has been the song for every day.

It's been my desire to understand what a gentle and quiet spirit really is. Peter writes wives to pursue, "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit." It is of great price to God. This has been a wonder, a ponder, a study for a few years now. I find myself going extremes sometimes, in situations requiring this meekness and quietness, not understanding completely what this picture is. (Still to this day, not fully comprehending it, yet farther along) Well, just recently I have been delving into the Strong's concordance and finding what the scriptures mean, for myself. Often I just find that it is what I thought it was. A storm is really a storm, you know? But there are words I never gave thought to or learned to see what it meant. So I looked up quiet.

When I think of quiet, I think of whispering. I think of calmness too. But mostly whispering. So as I embarked on my journey, I found out where quiet comes from. Pretty easy process, too simple of findings to some, but this was wonderful to me! It was eye-opening to find that a quiet spirit is one that is steadfast, still, undisturbed, and peaceable. Undisturbed. Now I can see that. It gave me a picture of what spirit this is. That is so revealing to me.

When I think of the calling to have a meek and quiet spirit, I realize I am called to have a spirit undisturbed, untouched by trouble. In some sense, unaffected by what happens to and about me. I love that. That my direction, my goal, my determination should be steadfast, unmoved, no matter the changes, circumstances about me. In that picture of a quiet spirit, I see calm. I see peace. I see strength.

And when peace like a river attendeth my way...when sorrows like sea billows roll...

Whatever my lot...Thou has taught me to say...

It is well. It is well with my soul.

Undisturbed. Of great price in God's sight.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Status on Nelson

His fingers are all healed to the shape and size (mostly) they should be. He is healthy and back to boat work. A little here, a little there. He has made alot of 'Head'-way for our bathroom. I think that will be the next completed area of the boat.

Have you heard my Buddy is a MCIT now? He works with big, loud, sharp, heavy, manly tools all day. He builds, does demolitions, and other manly things all day. My MCIT (if you aren't yet familiar this is a Manly Contractor In Training) has been working at this new job for a couple months now and is doing great. The picture above is the shop he works in. Other jobs are done at homes for remodeling and such.

He is using what he is learning for our boat too. Below is the beginning of a custom made cabinet for our bedroom. It is presently installed and cabinet doors are next. Friday we paid for his classes and he begins them today! He will continue his position as MCIT and also be taking his classes for engineering. I am so thankful for Nelson. He is hardworking and full with love for others. What a blessing he is.

On his down time he jumps in 56 degree water and scrapes the bottom of boats for 45 minutes at a time. Not a day goes by that I am not in admiration of this man.

(Yes, if you look closely, that is a knife attached to his wrist. And yes, it is to fight off the sharks.)

I love my Man.

And, behold, it was very good.

Winter on a Boat

It is definately winter in Florida. Our first winter of this kind anyway. We are learning a little about the wintertime life on a boat. There is much wind. Much waves. Bringing a lot of rocking and a lot of noise that keeps Nelson very much awake at night. It sounds as though boats are hitting other boats or the dock. The winter sounds raise daily questions of concern and wonder, what was that anyway? Did we just collide into Ben's boat? Was that the dock? Where's the bike? Did you tie up the kayak? Did someone just board our boat? Most of the time it is simply the wind and the waves keeping things exciting. I sleep through most all of it now. We went a couple Sunday's ago for a drive along the beach.
It was a really windy day and we wanted to see the beach in stormy weather. I love storms thanks to Dad. When I think of storms, I think of God. Again, thanks to Dad. I love being unafraid and in amazement of an all powerful God. This day, the fence at the hotel had blown down. Nelson had already helped secure someone's sailboat. An every other day occurence. We thought surely the beach would be a sight. And it was. The pictures don't really give. (Nor do you get to experience the sand-in-your-eye excitement while taking the photos. :) But here they are anyway.

We might not have snow, but we have our own plows for sand dunes. As you can see in the picture, the sand dunes are just starting to form. It wasn't long and the road was covered. Below is a picture of Nelson, yesterday, manning the neighbor's sail. It came loose in the night. This is our wintertime. It's definately cool, windy, and rocky. But it's been fun I think. Nelson looks forward to it's end. Smile.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stay tuned...

All in a very busy season here! Seasons changed for Nelson and I since starting up my little blog in the harbor. I am working with 2 different jobs and finding little time to do the 'homemaking' things I was doing. We are enjoying this season, with it's newness and changes. But I find no extra time to spend on here, not yet anyway. You know with each new season, there is adjustment. Once I get into the flow, maybe I can get on here and share more! My posts might be bland, short, or covered with pictures, in a measly attempt to at least connect with family far off.
This week it's pictures! Yesterday was my day off. And so I headed to Lesley's for the day. We did a baking extravaganza and it was so fun. The girls helped from the get go through to the end. We sat at the table to start, going over our list of cookies to make, and Josie announced, "I think I will need to help you make all those!" An hour later, Clara graced us with her sweetness and announced, "I think it's time I help you with those!" They were a great help, it was so much fun!

The end result: 4 exhausted but smiling cookie-makers/dishwashers, about 300 cookies in 6 different kinds, wonderful memories, and a sink still full of dishes.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Chase

Look at you, you're not even 2
Playing in baskets, with your little bear too

Taking a nap in Grandpa's chair
Sleeply little face and a head full of hair

Remember when Mommy was getting round?
That is when Owen came to town!

You were all ready to wrestle, though he was still small
So you held him tight and didn't let him fall

Everyday you are learning something new
And it is your Mommy who is teaching you

Sometimes you go to the park to play
Maybe you'll have your own motorcycle one day

You're a great little nephew, a big brother too
Owen will always look up to you

You have fun ideas on what to play
Always remember to thank God for your day
God will always take care of you
Even if the skies get blue

You have a great Mommy who teaches you school
Like numbers and counting, and following rules

She also teaches you to trust and obey
Because Jesus has said there is no other way
I can't believe you're 4 and growing so fast
You're stronger and stronger with each day past

You have a big heart and sweet smile too
I wish that today I could hug on you!

You like tigers and make funny faces
It won't be long, you'll be tying your laces

Because 4 is now here, 3 went away
Happy Birthday sweet Chase, have a great day!
We love you,
Auntie Ashley and Uncle Nelson

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Spiffy our Space Heater

Here he is. Spiffy. Arriving home late last night, Nelson and I were shivering in this unusually cold Florida. Shivering is usual with the weather lately. We stepped down into the boat, flicked the light on (light, yet another blessing), and there he was. Spiffy. Spiffy as all get out. A space heater was sitting on our table, sitting right on the table that happens to be in the coldest place on this boat! No note. No, just a new friend of ours. And we were so excited! (A little freaked out, thinking someone might be on the boat with us) Nelson, of course, looked it over real good to see all the cool features and techincal build of our new friend. I just wanted it on.

With the cooler days here, we'd rush to turn on the heater that heats our bed area only. In the evening we tend to hit the sack pretty quickly being it's the only room with heat, contemplating how we might spread the heat around. But someone beat us to it! Thanks to these secret friends, we can enjoy Spiffy anywhere in our boat. We intend to get to the bottom of this and find the thoughtful people behind it. We are very grateful to them. Then again. There is the possibility these secret people found refuge in our humble abode and by mistake, left their handy dandy space heater behind. In that case, umm...well, come back! We would totally invest in one of our own now, and would be thankful for the free trial!

Having never used a space heater, I have found these are amazing little helps. Ours is a FeatureComforts featuring: 2 settings, a fan, a thermostat (triggering 'off' when a specified temperature is reached), and a saftey feature. If Spiffy loses balance and falls over, the heater turns off automatically. Love it!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Michigan Pie

I have a basket full of Michigan apples just waiting to be turned into Nelson's favorite dessert: Apple Pie. Now I have made what Nelson terms my pieitos (pronounced pie-eat-toes), which is apple pie with a healthy twist and whole wheat crust. Pieitos he likes but Apple Pie he loves. And so tonight he gets the real thing! I think this might be a nice surprise after a long day! And he simply deserves the best of the best. I am going to use Verna's recipe which turns out great everytime.

9 inch pie filling

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Dash salt
6-7 cups thinly sliced pared tart apples
2 Tablespoons butter

Heat oven to 425 degrees. Prepare pastry crust (below). Stir together first 5 ingredients. Mix into apples. Pour into pan (already lined with crust of course). Top with butter pieces and top crust. Pinch and bake 40-50 minutes or until crust is browned.

Crust Recipe for 9 inch pie, double crust

2 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup unsalted butter, cut into pieces
3-4 Tablespoons ice water

Mix with pastry blender. This works really well. Roll into a ball and refrigerate 1 or 2 hours.

Pieitos recipe coming soon....

Menu Plan for the Week

I have been menu planning since I moved to Florida but never shared it online! So this is rather exciting to me. This is our plan for the week. Thanks goes to Laura at Organizing Junkie for menu posting inspiration! I can't figure out how to do the Menu Plan Monday with the link, etc. I hope to get to that but until I am more computer/blogging/internet savvy, here is a basic post on what we are eating this week.

Leftover tacos
Fetuccini Alfredo with broccoli

Leftover alfredo
Chicken Vegetable Fried Rice

Leftover fried rice
Italian Bean Soup with Lasagna

Leftover soup and pbj
Leftover Lasagna

Leftover soup and lasagna
Black beans and rice

Veggie Skillet and pancakes
Valencia's house (Tacos)


Apple pie, scotcharoos, smoothies, and fruit

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sweeter Gets the Journey

This song will forever be remembered, it is etched on my heart. It was heard so many times as I was growing up. The voices that I followed were people near and dear. Unforgettable people: Grandpa Grant up front singing quickly and passionately, Grandma, Dad and Mom, I can hear Aunt Cindy and Tiffany. All these special people, all those that were a part of my beginning. It's such a close memory. Almost as though I could close my eyes and be there again. I have been singing this song alot lately. There is so much peace, truth, and memory. It's amazing how much memories can encourage. Whenever I sing this song, I can't help but be grateful for the place I came from, the people who blessed my life by their teaching and example, and be encouraged to keep singing. Let us not underestimate the impact made from simply sharing a song. I am so thankful for the songs that were shared with me. And so I remind you of the words that are an everyday blessing for me.

I don't know about you my friend, I don't know where your journey will end;
But as for me and all of mine, we're gonna make that heavenly climb.

Up to that heavenly shore, we'll live forever more
Never have a trouble, never have a care
Everything will just be happiness there.

Sweeter gets the journey everyday, serving Jesus really pays
I get happy in this heavenly way, sweeter gets the journey everyday.

Trouble and sorrow used to be my lot, I'd sit and worry bout the things I've not;
Now I count all the blessings I've got and I don't worry bout the things I've not.

Some folks seek and never find happiness and peace of mind;
But I have peace within my heart, since with the Savior I've made the start.

Up to, up to that heavenly shore, we'll live forever more.
Never have a trouble, never have a care
Everything will just be happiness there...

Sweeter gets the journey every day, serving Jesus really pays, I get happy in this heavenly way, sweeter gets the journey every day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Scotcharoo Drumsticks

Well a late 'Happy Thanksgiving' post is here! I will just recap on how the day was. The Scotcharoo Drumsticks pictured were not only cute but a hit! I think this is a favorite of many and an all-time favorite of mine! It is a peanut butter rice krispy bar with a chocolate-butterscotch topping. Rich and wonderful. If you'll notice in the picture, the 'Turkey Tags' I made to add some fun to the Thanksgiving table. Here are a few of the sweet faces I got to spend Thanksgiving with.
Lunch was at Nelson's parents home and then everyone walked 3 blocks over to Amy's new house, for dessert. It was great seeing her and Daryn's new home-sweet-home, and all the progress that has been made! It was beautifully prepared.
The day was nice, especially with Lesley and the girls joining us, but we did miss Nelson and Luke. Luke was working as scheduled and Nelson, at last minute, worked the whole day as well. He is adjusting to a new job, working alot of hours, but doing a great job at everything! I am in admiration, daily, of his strength and ability. He does so well at so many things! I was reflecting on the days pre-Florida, and am so thankful for the friend he was to me. We had an interesting beginning. And it is without question that God himself was at work in our lives. Nelson chose me. And I am so thankful for that, for his friendship then and the husband he is to me now. What an inexpressible blessing he has been to me. I hope everyone's Thanksgiving day was a blessing!
Take 1 cup light karo syrup and 1 cup sugar, bring to a boil and then take off heat immediately.
Add 1 cup peanut butter.
Stir in 5 cups rice krispies.
Press into greased pan or dish.
Melt 1 cup chocolate chips (semi-sweet) and 1 cup butterscotch chips.
Spread over bars and chill.